Looking over my notes trying to somehow summarize what I'm taking away from these great sessions....
*The best thing you bring to the table everyday is a filled-up bucket. -Bill Hybels, Willow Creek Community Church founder and senior pastor
*Start somewhere and make a difference in one life. -Gary Hamel, The Future of Management
*Religion says, "I obey, therefore God accepts me." ...The Gospel says, "God accepts me because of Christ; therefore, I obey." -Tim Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian, NYC
*Preacher and teachers: make sure that all of your teaching is not moralistic but Christ-centered. -Tim Keller, The Prodigal God
*Don't be afraid to start small; just get started. -Jessica Jackley, co-founder of Kiva.org
*Leaders' primary goal is to equip the body... -Harvey Carey, pastor, Detroit, MI
*God has called us to not be people that just huddle, but those that break and play the game! -Harvey Carey