Sunday, June 9, 2013

busy goodness...

maybe this space has been quiet lately, but I have not been.

honestly, it's been a little too busy in this heart and life, but I'm so thankful for all of it. especially thankful to finally have a quiet sunday to think and reflect and share....

our trip home Memorial Day weekend was LOVELY.
short and sweet and lovely. we got some precious family time as well as some sunny sunny beach time.

sharing meals and evenings with friends has been the absolute sweetest. I adore summer-mode. and I'm so thankful for this community we've found.

recent photog sessions woven into this busy life. some of my faves.

finishing up the semester with Saturday Clubs.  What.A.JOY. An exhausting, glorious joy. In January we prepared and prayed that girls would come. week one we had three girls. lovely and eager they came. by this tenth meeting we had thirteen regularly attending girls. new, lively, precious characters to our story. a tale that would be more bland and lack much purpose without them. they are our children, not that they just became ours, but only that we've just discovered their hearts and lives and have only just begun to let them intertwine with ours. thank you, Jesus, for these dear ones. may we love them well. as your children and our own.

finishing the school year with these gems is a blessing. they're all going places non-PreK, so I cherish this season all the more!

it might be a busy life. I might be exhausted. but I'm thankful beyond measure for all this busy-goodness. 

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