Thursday, September 18, 2008
this moment..
we can pursue happiness our whole lives long and never realize we had it all the time... i love this moment. it's where i'm at. it's who i am. it's what i can do right now, today, in this moment, to affect the next or someone else's moment.
i'm thankful for the time i've had to think and dream and read and write and play! i'm thankful to actually slow down and enjoy these fleeting moments... thoughts on using the avocado to illustrate this moment...
first of all, i love the image of the pieces that fit together (like the moment -whatever kind it may be- and the gratitude of it all); second, i love the awaiting opportunities that fill the bowl.. happy, sad, special, monotonous little moments and their gratitudes all waiting to be had! <3
(so maybe that was a stretch with avocados, but i felt the need to explain! :)