Sunday, August 22, 2010

Powerful thoughts [inspired by Don Miller]...

The concept of our lives as a story [via Donald Miller] is one of my favorite subjects to read about, consider, and test out...

Don says we're all characters telling stories with our lives...
But stories aren’t neutral. The stories we hear change the way we see life. Stories teach us what is worth pursuing, what is worth living for, what is worth sacrificing for. If we are a person that wants a volvo and is willing to work overtime to get it, than the moral of the story we are teaching the world is work hard and some day you’ll get a volvo. It’s not a bad story, but it’s not a good one, either. (Source: Can I Tell You A Story? blog post)

It's all just making me think... and think, and think, and think -about the story I want to tell with my life.. This morning I sat down and let myself dream a little with the "What If..." question he prompts us to ask in this post The Single Most Powerful Question You Can Ask...
What if you asked yourself a series of these questions? What if you got out a yellow pad and wrote down a few story turns that you could engage? What if you ran a marathon? What if you renewed your marriage vows? What if you quit your job? What if you brought home a puppy today? What if you and your family adopted a child?
Terrific exercise I think....

A few of my what ifs...
*What if I worked like I had confidence I was going to succeed? -(Q inspired by Doug Dorman)
*What if we spent some/all of our travel money and visited Steph in Thailand?
*What if we were a little more 'green'?
*What if I prayed in faith, and asked God for some pretty big stuff? -big like break-throughs for us and others...
*What if I sat still to listen each day -and willfully obeyed His promptings??

What 'what ifs' could you ask?
Which ones might be valuable story-turns worth pursuing?

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