Sunday, February 20, 2011


Amazing how our bodies are designed to heal...

Yesterday was to be the day we returned to the ER to get my stitch out. 

I was kind of dreading it!

(Mostly because last Saturday night we sat there for three hours!)

A little while before we were going to get up and go, I thought, what if I just snip this little stitch myself...? 

Well, long story -short: 

I didn't snip it, 

but I did untie it!

It took a few minutes, but...

it came right out!!!!!!!!!

WooHoo!!!! :) :)

My mom-in-love prayed that I wouldn't even have a scar (which I thought was the sweetest thing ever!)... and I think she might just get her wish!

Thankful this little fiasco is just about over... a little more antibiotic ointment, band-aids, and guarding this guy, and I think he'll be as good as new!!

YAY!!! :)

Thanks for stopping by...
Happy Sunday! ♥ ♥

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