Wednesday, July 18, 2012

adopting Nicky

The Rogersons' adoption story...

Steadily, God has been shaping Carson and Jill’s hearts for this moment. Jill’s parents adopted her baby brother when she was ten. It was an example of our God’s redemptive nature. When she was in college, she worked at an HIV orphanage in Africa for three months. Since marrying five years ago, they have together brewed and groaned over adoption blogs and RR’s site. God warmed Carson’s heart as he began to visualize adopting a special needs orphan. The Holy Spirit ministered to them both through other adoptive families and through learning what the Bible says about God’s heart for orphans. The conversations were intermittently paused while they had three biological girls in 2008, 2009, and 2010! 
And now — a couple of college degrees and relocations later, Carson and Jill are jumping off the cliff to make “Nicky Z” their son. It is finally time. They believe that “Nicky Z” is wonderfully made just the way he is. Carson and Jill imagine their three little girls ages four and under drawing him out of the effects of institutionalization and into robust toddlerhood in due time. They have faith that God will pave the way to bring “Nicky” home. We covet your prayers and support. {source}

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