Friday, July 13, 2012

Pray until you Pray...

Pray until you Pray.
Love those words Raechel shared on SheReadsTruth this week.

This morning I went through the Lord's Prayer as a model for my own, and it was excellent....

"Hallowed be Your Name"
(Your Name is great... Make it great in/through me...)

"Give us our daily bread"
(We are thankful for your provision... may we continue to walk with and trust you in little or in plenty...)

"Forgive us our sins as we forgive all our debtors"
(My sins are great. You know them all too well... May we be quick to forgive and never be those who hold ourselves or others in bondage to any sort of debt...)

It's only day two and prayer & His word in me are on the increase. I have to say, I love that more than taking pictures! True story.

Thanks for the call to read and pray and worship
 in spirit and in truth. 
Guide and direct us and fill us
 so that as we leak & pour out our lives, 
it's you and your spiritual fruit that spills over. 

SheSharesweek 1

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