Friday, January 17, 2014

December highlights

Here we go again! :)

1- Secret Santa at work - more fun than expected :)
2- Photobooth with my PreK teammates. Love.
3- Shaping and baking my own gingerbread with some of our favorite friends!
4- CLUBS :)
5- Sammie-visit. Glad to have her on this side of the states again!
6- Decorating the charlie brown tree with my kiddos.
7- Indulging them with Little Blue Truck.
8- Jeremy's first visit to PreK. :)
9- his last major model of the semester << 5 down, 3 to go! >>
10- Seriously blessed by a student's mom this semester. Over the course of the last three weeks before track-out she brought us our favorite drinks, snacks, breakfast, books for the classroom, etc, etc. And clearly the kids love her! <3
11- One of my favorite highlights of the month was getting to deliver Z-pizzas to a special family. Our community group pitched in too. Jeremy & I delivered them the week before Christmas break. So great! <3

I left school about 5:30pm Friday and the next day we left for Granny's in Edgefield, SC- grateful to get to spend another Saturday-before-Christmas with them! ((That night Kayla made us dancing elves with the JibJab app:) Hilarious!))

We traveled to Myrtle Beach/Conway that Sunday and I woke up Monday with full-on flu symptoms. I barely moved from Mom & Pop's couch the entire day. The next two days (Christmas Eve & Christmas day) I felt equally miserable and my temperature stayed around 101-102 :( Thanks to IB Profen I was able to join in the festivities a bit, but boy, I don't wish that on anybody! Yuck.

Alford-family time <3

Granchelli-Christmas <3

Once I was feeling like myself again, Jeremy and I took a little Charleston-excursion, had some friend-reunions, and were able to soak in a few beach moments too.

So thankful! ♥

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