Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So Easy to take it for granted...

True story! (source)

"Almost a billion people struggle every day to collect water that's likely to make them sick" ...while we have everything we need to keep our water fresh and clean... 

just two of us use about a pitcher a day

sure beats drinking tap water.. or worse...

our daily dose of clean water

not to mention how great it is being able to wash our hands several times per day...

and shower...

and clean out our dishes, sinks, tubs, etc...

We're so accustomed to it all that we forget the many that don't have it quite so good!!

Claire made a great point about this in her post today: Pond Water.

She's working hard this month to raise $5,000 so our neighbors overseas can have the luxury necessity of clean water like us! Wanna help??

(Reading Claire's blog for just a few days inspired me to give up fast food for the year.. maybe forever. (not that I needed it anyway!:) ...Thankful for her spark!! Hope you'll at least read her words, maybe get inspired, maybe GIVE &/or give up something... who knows what could go down!! Thanks for reading this far. And for checking out Claire's blog!;) 

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