Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 days...

Interesting, and kind of wonderful, that Saturday morning I wrote about my calloused faith and how dull, exhausted, and non-vibrant I'm feeling these days. And then Sunday evening at church our pastor confronts in us a lukewarm spirit (Rev.3:14-20)- as if we've let a haze come over us.

I started to start this 31 day challenge last year, but never really dove in- well, a year has passed and this time I'm in.

The name of the game for me is short and sweet. I'm committing to daily leaning in- not daily writing a novel or shouting anything from the rooftops. It's a heart thing and an outward-acknowledgement thing. I've admitted my dullness of heart, so the only reasonable response is to do something to make sure it doesn't stay that way. So, join me if you will... 31 days of leaning in [if you don't like mine, then fill in your own blank & link to a catagory here]

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